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Monday, May 6, 2013

Why You Should Experience Vancouver Espresso

By Alison Wilcox

The times they are a changing and along with them coffee drinkers are coming back to their roots. They are returning to the source of all the flirtatiously frothy and flavored drinks out there, back to espresso. Anyone that is being completely honest with themselves will tell you that without this liquid gold none of the others would exist. As glorious as many of them are there is nothing like Vancouver espresso.

How this dark delight is made was no easy deal. It is taking just the right beans and roasting them in just the right way then grinding them just so and forcing the right amount of steaming hot water through them while you extract the results through just the right method. From day one of the coffee experience there were those forward thinking individuals that new that they had to find a way to make this happen.

Coffee snobs can rejoice because thanks to the wares of the modern world their wish has been granted. The results are in and it is the tiny cup of black fluid with a hat made of caramel colored creme. Put the wine glasses down and prepare for some espresso tasting. It really is not all that different as you need to get ready in much the same way.

Inhale and exhale deeply several times to clear your nasal passages. Now slowly yet deeply take in the scent ascending from your cup. Close your eyes and let your sense of smell detect the fine undertones. Try to identify them while you are at it. Ask yourself what they remind you of. You may perceive floral or citrus hints or a bit of chocolate.

Now take a drink. Not fast but very slowly you should allow it to glide gently through your mouth. Pay attention to the way that the taste changes as it reaches different parts of the tongue. There will be a bright clear bitterness but not anything that is unpleasant in any way.

BC has so many coffee stops to choose from so make sure the ones you grace are the real deal. It is not all about the coffee when it comes to this part. Of course the menu must be fabulous and that should go without saying. You want the whole enchilada though. Pick some places that have culture to burn.

A piping hot beverage is the perfect compliment to the weather in BC. Just about everyone has asked a friend to meet for coffee at some point in time and even if the social thing is not for you there is something to be said for a great cut of coffee and an even better book. For a lot of people there is no other way to spend a cloudy day.

Do not plan out every moment of your trip. Do some checking before you go and identity some key places that you are certain you want to see but make sure you leave room for some wandering about. That is when you find the special spots that no one outside the city knows of yet. Make your next weekend away a Vancouver espresso vacation that you will take about for many days to come. Do something different than the typical wine country adventure.

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