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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Some Cooking Tips and Tricks For Busy People

Everybody is always busy that there's no time to cook in the evening. Even going to the market can be a pain sometimes, especially when there are no more ingredients for your planned dish for the day. If you choose to go to the supermarket, you will usually find frozen meats and fish, fruits and vegetables, and other possible ingredients you can use.
If you're like most people who prefer to eat white meat, the common problem is what to make with chicken or fish. But don't be daunted with the idea of experimenting with recipes you know as these can be lifesavers whenever you need to prepare a dish for your family in a flash. So, the answer to this dilemma is to make ahead or prepare the dish a day before. This is applicable mostly for chicken and some fish like tuna and salmon that you can marinate and keep in the fridge at least overnight.
Here are some ideas and dishes you can easily prepare and whip up in the kitchen:
The most obvious thing to do if you hate long preparation time is to marinate your chicken or any type of white meat before frying or roasting. This only needs cooking the following day and it is a perfect dish for supper. You can have a variation of marinades for both fried and roast chicken to avoid the monotony and repetitiveness of dishes during the week.
If you have a zip-lock plastic, you can utilize it as a vessel for your chicken meat or fish fillets. Simply pour in the marinade inside the bag and throw in the meat or fish. Close the plastic and place it inside the fridge to let all the flavors be absorbed.
A better cooking method, if this is your plan for a week, is to roast the meat in the oven with your choice of vegetables. This is way healthier as you cut down consumption of cooking oil. Instead, use olive oil or vegetable oil in coating the bottom of your pan before roasting to help brown the meat and vegetables.
A dish of chicken and veggie casserole may sound complicated and hard to prepare. But again with an oven and a pot or pan, you can prepare this in just a few minutes. You can brown cubes of chicken in some oil and garlic, followed by assortment of veggies such as carrots, potatoes, green peas, and cauliflower. No need to wait until they are tender as they will cook properly in the oven. You can pour in some stock, cream or plain milk, and some salt and pepper before putting the pot in the oven. This dish cooks about 15 to 20 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender.
How about parchment paper for cooking? Well, you can do this with fish such as salmon, halibut, and other softer fleshed fish since they are easy to cook. You can use lemon slices, salt, pepper, and some fresh herbs like dill, tarragon, thyme, or oregano for more flavor and aroma. Simply wrap all of the ingredients in parchment paper before popping the envelope in the oven. You can cook this for about 10 to 15 minutes, or until the fish is tender. You can also tell if it is cooked when the aroma is spilling out of the oven door.
What to make with chicken, fish and other meats can be solved easily if you know a couple of dishes that are easy to prepare and cook. Remember to pick ingredients that have fast cooking times such as fish, poultry, vegetables, and eggs. And always have a stock of few spices to flavor your dishes.
If you are afraid to cook, it is best to know what to make with chicken, fish and veggies using a single pot and stove. You can also watch videos of easy-to-cook dishes at Food Plus TV before trying them out.

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