Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Features That Come From Cooking With Cast Iron Pans

By Marianna Bluford

If you and I are anything alike, then you probably grew up frying and serving meals prepared in a pan or frying pan coated with a teflon lining. This is how most pans are made these days. These pans are sprayed with teflon to stop things from sticking on to the pan. You have to be super gentle with these pans, and you can not use metal utensils on these pans or the pans will scratch. I'm quite sure you all have experienced what I am talking about.

Nonetheless this wasn't always how things were. Families before cooked in pans made from cast iron. Non stick teflon did not happen to be around back then, and people needed something durable that had the ability to last for a very long time. Families needed something that was made one time, and used for anything. And for a lot of reasons, cast iron was the preferred choice.

These type of pans happened to be very tough and could withstand almost anything you could throw at them, from extreme heat to intense cold, to even being knocked on the tile floor. Before modern technology people used these types of pans. Cast iron pans often survived 50 years and were gifted down from relatives.

Although at a certain point during this time, a lot of people let go of this passion for pans made from cast iron. A type of pan a lot more time-saving showed up and we did away with cast iron pans. Now most people make use of cheap cookware that aren't made very well, that can be washed easily. That is because this type of pan requires a little bit of extra work. Yet if you put in that additional energy, the benefits are very worth it.

Not everyone has quit cooking with cast iron pans totally. I cook with a cast iron skillet very often, and they are really beginning to make a huge rally. And that's because regular people have started to realize the positives.

Allow me to explain several of the attributes that help to make cooking with a cast iron pan incredible:

Firstly, foods cooked in a pan made from cast iron taste sweet. It can really taste a whole lot more tasty than the food that you serve in a usual pan made out of teflon. That is because of what is commonly called the 'seasoning'. This seasoning comes from not ever using soap on the pan, and locking in the flavors that come from food cooked in the pan. The pans aromas keep sealed in the pan, and after some time start to create delicious, robust tastes in your food.

Second, pans made from cast iron are completely non stick if you care for the pans as you should. These pans do not need to have non stick teflon or any artificial thing to keep your food from sticking to the surface of the pan. This is because immediately after every use, you coat your cast iron pan with a very fine coating of cooking grease. This vegetable oil really helps lock in the 'seasoning' and establish a perfect surface that won't allow food to stick. In time, the non stick surface becomes long lasting.

Lastly, you are able to do almost anything with cast iron pans. You are able to prepare vegetables on the burner, grill meat, or even put the pan in the oven. These pans are surprisingly multifaceted. A lot of times I just keep my pan made from cast iron right on top of the stove in order to use the pan at anytime I need to.

So like I said, cooking with pans made from cast iron has many benefits. I didn't really address all the benefits in this write up. Yet if you could be pondering buying one, I highly think you should. These are a perfect addition and will definitely enhance your cooking. Also, these pans will last forever. I really hope that many more people will start cooking with cast iron like we happened to do in the past.

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