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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Quality Chicken Processing And Its Steps

By Patty Summers

Many people would really love eating poultry. Poultry would constitute a big part in the diet of many people. It can be consumed in most parts of the world. You cannot also find religious groups that would ban eating of poultry except those practiced by vegetarians, vegans, or pescetarians. This form of meat would be light, tasty, and easy to prepare. You can have them fried, grilled, or stewed, among others. You can also add them to soups, salads, and sandwiches. They can also be processed into hotdogs, meat loaves, and sausages. The poultry that you can find in your groceries, butcher shops, and deli stores are products of good quality chicken processing. You should then learn more about this.

It will be essential to know the varied steps which the birds will go through before they reach one's place. Such chickens will come from varied farms. They will be properly cared for, grown, and fed. When ready, they will be placed inside crates then delivered to particular broiler houses. Such birds will be put inside holding rooms. It will be essential to keep such birds calm in this period. It will prevent birds from getting irritable, agitated, and restless. They might move too much and get injured. Internal injuries could cause discolorations in the meat.

Such chickens will be stunned then. It will be essential to stun birds so they could become unconscious. They will not feel anything then once they get killed. After such birds get killed, they will be left to bleed. Bleed will be essential since blood could discolor the meat. Their blood will be treated and discarded properly then.

After bleeding, such birds will undergo scalding. Scalding will clean the birds, kill germs, and remove feathers. Proper temperatures will be essential to prevent getting cooked. Water will be frequently changed too to ensure cleanliness. Plucking will be done then. It will ensure effective removal of pinfeathers. Such process will be done usually using large machines.

Cutting of the birds will then occur. The head, feet, and oil glands are removed. Evisceration will also be performed. They will remove the vital organs in this step. Processing, storing, and cleaning of the organs are done too. They will also cut the carcass. Some will be left whole. Wings, drumsticks, thighs, and breasts will be produced here.

These birds would then be washed after. They would usually be washed with cold water. They may also be blasted with chilled air. Proper temperatures would be needed for this. It would ensure safety, preservation, and quality. Chilling would prepare meat for long term freezing.

Some parts would also be processed further. Some can be marinated. Special marinating ingredients would be used. They would be injected to the meat. The pieces would also be placed into tumblers. This would ensure proper penetration and uniform distribution.

Chickens will be properly packaged then. They will be accurately weighed. They will then undergo sealing, tagging, and shipping.

Quality chicken processing will really involve such steps. Such steps are required to make sure that customers will be consuming choice, healthy, and safe poultry meat. One could then consume poultry without worries.

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