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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Reasons To Run A Grass Fed Beef Farm

By Katrina Wheeler

There is one proven way a small cattle operation can compete with huge feedlot operations. Direct marketing from a grass fed beef farm can provide financial security for an entire family. By reducing costs of production and cutting out the middleman (actually the several entities between farmers and consumers), cattle farmers can make the money they need to survive.

To be successful, every entrepreneur needs to think outside the box that tradition built and to find a product that will rise above competitors. When small landowners found that competition from giant corporate farms was threatening their survival, they needed to find a way to change the way they did business. Some very smart people are farmers, and many of them are happy to share good ideas that have made them profitable.

As a product that both research and marketing has convinced people is healthier, grass-fed beef can command a higher price. Many consumers feel that cattle raised in a natural way - on pasture - will give higher-quality meat. They also prefer free-range eggs and organic produce. Consider the popularity of Farmers' Markets across the nation, and you will see the market niche these rural businessmen have found.

Science is on the side of more natural ways of raising animals and other foods. Most people believe local produce, especially if it is grown without chemical fertilizers and pesticides, is healthier than fruits and vegetables that may have been shipped across the country and that may contain chemical residues.

As for the nutritional content of beef, research has shown that the pastured variety contains essential fatty acids not found in meats produced in cages or feedlots. The feeding of grains apparently inhibits the production of a nutrient called CLA by the animal. CLA is used by the human body to break down saturated fat. You can buy the nutrient in a health food store, or you can get it in naturally raised meat.

A savvy farmer can save money by raising cattle on grass and then creating and supplying a market for his output. The elimination of the costly, labor and time-intensive, and hazardous-to-your-health raising of grain (farming is among the least healthy ways to make a living) means a larger profit margin. Improving pasture and controlling grazing makes the land richer year by year, ensuring future success.

As well as saving money on production and vet care (feedlots are known to be unhealthy for the cattle that are crowded into them), a farmer raising cattle on pasture has a product that the huge producers cannot match. The fact that it takes more land and more time to raise cattle this way discourages factory-farm managers. By raising consumer awareness of the health and environmental benefits of grass-fed meat (pastured poultry is also popular), farmers can establish a secure niche in the local market.

There are big ranches out west that sell this kind of naturally-raised meat to large grocery chains. However, almost every grass fed beef farm is run by a single family wanting to make a good living and provide a quality product to their customers. They deserve our support.

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