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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Blazing Hot Ghost Pepper Wing Sauce

By Alison Wilcox

If you love eating hot wings, then you're probably always on the lookout for the best, hottest, and most delicious sauces available. Ghost pepper wing sauce will satisfy you on every account. It is a must-try sauce for anyone who likes wings that are extra spicy.

Many restaurants offer ghost pepper wings on their menus, so it is easy to give them a try before deciding if you want to make your own batch. If you decide you like them, or if you just want to jump straight in, then bottles of sauce are readily available, both through online sources and through specialty food stores in your area. There are many different brands to try, so shop around and choose one that sounds both delicious and spicy enough for you.

For a real challenge, you can try making it yourself. With proper preparation and just a little skill, you will soon have your very own batch of blazing wings that you and your friends can enjoy. As a bonus, you will be able to brag that you created this amazing food in your own kitchen!

Researching recipes is the most important part of creating this spicy treat, and there are plenty of sources for you to use. Cookbooks, as well as websites full of fantastic recipes, will be extremely valuable to you here, and will allow you to look through multiple ways to create your masterpiece before selecting the one that sounds the best to you. Once this difficult choice has been made, you can start collecting all of the things you will need.

The one part of every recipe that will remain the same is the ghost pepper itself, which is also called the Bhut Jolokia. Other factors will change depending on which specific one you decide to make, but this will remain constant, as will the wings themselves. Your local supermarket should have the pepper in stock in its produce section, and once you have it, you can get ready to begin making your creation.

Before you handle the ghost pepper, you must make sure to protect your skin by wearing gloves. The juices are far hotter than other peppers like the jalapeno or the habanero, and can burn your hands if you do not take care. Make sure to thoroughly wash all items such as knives and cutting boards used in preparing the peppers before they come into contact with anything else, as well.

Carefully follow your chosen recipe, and when you are done, apply it to your wings and get ready for heat. It may take some time and experimentation, but you will soon have a new favorite condiment that you and your friends can enjoy. Be prepared to be in high demand at parties and gatherings, because everyone will want to try it!

Whether you find it in a bottle, eat it at a restaurant, or make it for yourself, nothing beats a great ghost pepper wing sauce for lovers of spicy food. You and your friends will love eating it at all of your gatherings, and everyone will always want more. Parties will certainly heat up when you bring it around!

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